The Hypertext Collective

The Hypertext Collective is a place where we can gather, write and think together.

Blogging is dead, long live blogging

The internet has undergone many phases from the early blogging days, to Facebook status updates, to the current age of Substack. We will always seek to express ourselves with the written word and while writing is a solitary act, it can be done together.

Want to write together?

The next meet-up is on the 16th of October at 6:00 PM CET. If you would like to join, please visit this link.

Recent pieces by the Collective


The Hypertext Collective is a project by Timothy Lim. Follow our Twitter for updates and check out our forum where we discuss our writing sessions.

We also keep a haphazard reading list here, message us on Twitter if you have suggestions.

Image of Timothy Lim